This is a poem I wrote yesterday in a workshop with Kim Moore at the Ilkley Lit Fest. Why have I used a weird PDF viewer I hear you ask. Answer: because of the indented line which I can’t replicate using the WordPress editor. OK, so it’s posy, so well, hmm. If anyone else feels the need to publish a PDF file on the site then have a look at the instructions here.
[pdfjs-viewer url= viewer_width=600px viewer_height=700px fullscreen=true download=true print=true openfile=false]
To Dad
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Test. Very touching poem, Keith. Minor question, because of use of past tense, should ‘here’on line 3 be ‘there’? In fact, are lines 3 & 4 saying the same thing?
It wasn’t really a test… I kept being told I’d already made that comment when I hadn’t… so I added ‘test’ at the beginning and then it accepted it. Oh well.
Thanks Robbie. You are right about the tense. Lines 3 and 4 are different. I was always scared he might be killed, hence never coming back.
Yes, very touching Keith. Should there be a question mark at the end of S2?
it makes a massive difference to your poetry Keith when you are being honest – it stands out a mile – so thanks for sharing it