
“Can I help you, madam?”
“Perhaps, I’m only
browsing, really, but…”
“What are you looking for?”
“Ah, well, I must say
I’m tired of the way
I look in general.”
“You’re looking for
a New Look?”
“Exactly, I’d like
to be a New Woman.
My husband would
certainly approve.”
“I’m sure I can help.
Let’s go through
our latest collection
and see if we can
set you up.”

In the cafe
across the street
her husband looks up
as she enters, not sure
if it’s her or not.
My god, what have
they done to her!
What must it
have cost?

From the window
of the boutique
the girl watches,
her smile enigmatic.
Behind her in the
changing room
come muffled cries
from a sack of
discarded personality.

3 responses

  1. Not sure about the title and the ‘enigmatic’ but I love the idea of ‘muffled cries/from a sack of/discarded personality.’! Given that she’s abandoned her old self, perhaps ‘Burning Bridges’?

  2. Oh heck, I haven’t called mine ‘Assistant’! Mind you, I did say right at the beginning, ‘Breaking the rules is encouraged!’!

    Like Martin, I love the idea of ‘muffled cries/from a sack of/discarded personality’.

    Poor woman. ‘What must it/have cost!’ Her husband must have thought very little of her appearance previously!

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