“Never keep your tomatoes in the fridge” my visitors tell me and I wonder, as I make them tea, – one weak as dishwater – one artificially sweetened do we all display these symptoms or is it a British condition? During dinner I am made aware of a universal intolerance to nutmeg, there is rampant […]
Sharing the blame
blame the oven blame the eggs blame the milk blame the recipe blame the sugar before cursing the oven whipping the eggs ditching the milk blotting the recipe spilling the sugar calling the cook who blames the oven blames the eggs blames the milk blames the sugar blames the recipe after kicking the oven smashing […]
We collect things, hence we have invented the box:- the in-box, the out-box, the not sure why so I’ll put-it-in-a-cupboard box. Where would we be without the box to label, embellish and stack? – without the colours of Christmas decorations, mustiness of old photographs, or twinkle of precious jewellery? – without the tiers of celebration […]
Things to get you through
SORRY – this is a cheat – it is already in one of my booklets but feedback is more than welcome – the idea of pairs made me think of socks – don’t think any of you have seen it except for Robbie. I’m not sure I really understood the two poems on the prompts […]
first of all – apologies – I have done this back to front – and I never knew that was how to spell coat-hanger is where you will find the neatly folded navy blue nine to five next to the colours that clash Saturdays there is the waterproofed ready for any weather and the […]
Wayne moved in the world of advertising armed with a degree he started in savouries cutting his teeth in the wonderful world of Wigan within three years talk of concrete bottoms iron sides and flaky pastry had been superceded by sexy straplines mango mornings followed silky evenings Wayne’s weekends had been full of frizz but […]
Window dressing
It’s not for the big boys the Tesco’s the Asda’s neither is dust or doorbells Maybe there isn’t space or time time to stop and look to ponder take pleasure desiring the unobtainable Who needs a window when your door is so big
in the extreme
this began as:- extremely flammable irritating to eyes repeated expo sures may cause skin dryness or cracking vapours may cause drows iness and dizziness tox ic to aquatic organ isms may cause long-term ad verse effects in the aqua tic environment and then got rearranged into:- in the extreme verse effects flammableisms irritating dizziness […]
The Industry of Creating Friendship (in a tea cup)
One is two makes a space between to begin inviting curiosity tap tap From cold silence someone smiles at company bringing three in competition tap tap tip one to make the tea one to pour the milk one to stir the spoon Rivulets of steaming sloosh rushing riding drowning chit chat sparking argument to fire […]
The font is joined-up letters, the blotched paper sticky in places, the reference to sizes of eggs misleading. In ounces, originally, the instructions have been translated into the three languages of the cooker:- Celsius from the Swedes, Fahrenheit from the Germans, and regulo British. Method is brief but I can show you how … – […]