Blissful Hill, Lovely Hollow


English translations
of my house and lane
are worth a time reversal –
hence my Singer chuntering
in the oil-lamp’s light
until knees and curiosity
are ready to treadle
back past
my wedding,
back past my birthing,
back to my mother
and the twinkle
she caught
in some fellow’s eye
translated, I hope,
from bliss and love.





5 responses

  1. Drop the first three lines?! ‘My Singer….’ or at least omit L3. The ending would have more impact if the preceding list
    was more concrete before taking off into the twinkle.

  2. I think I would be lost if you didn’t include the explanation of the name of your house – I wonder if we are a bit too keen sometimes to hack things to an inch of their meaning – your poems are already condensed Robbie – have you thought of expanding them?????? GULP!

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