On encountering the pearly gates

  On encountering the pearly gates Goodbye is unexpected. If the gatekeeper isn’t St Peter it must be her, my first mother. She smiles a weird smile which I think means welcome. Goodbye I say, smiling back and she grabs hold of the gates and lifts them up, then lifts them higher. I remember my […]


A-ha…. one last prompt, after all, to get my teeth into over breakfast! Afterword I felt a lot but didn’t say much. Should have said more. Hope she’s a mind-reader.

Day 31

  Just when you thought it was all over… Here’s a poem by Michael Laskey (to find it click the ‘The Work’ tab): http://www.poetrybusiness.co.uk/michael-laskey After it’s all over.    

House of the Rising Sun

House of the Rising Sun That’s all for this week, see you next week. That’s how he always signs off, good ol’boy Brian Matthew, radio DJ extraordinaire. His unmistakable tones celebrating the music of my era, sunrise on Saturdays since time began. Sounds of the Sixties and before that in the glorious decade itself never-to […]

Day 30

The Last…?:   Well, here we are at the end of another 30-day poetic marathon! (Methinks Martin doesn’t know there are 31 days in October. Will there be a final prompt tomorrow? [RMB]) Think of something you couldn’t possibly do without. Now, consider having to face up to savouring it one more time before it vanishes […]

Coming ready or not

Coming ready or not ten, nine… You’ve run off to hide. I wonder where? When the countdown comes to an end I’ll be free to seek you out. eight, seven… This counting has gone on far to long. We are too old to be playing games. Let’s get serious before it’s too late. six, five… […]

Day 29

  Zero:   The countdown to zero is a powerful tool for preparing for some momentous event.   It is used by Robin Morgan in his poem: www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poem/29761 Write a poem in which the countdown from ten to zero is used as part of the dynamic.    


Over-egged I’ve always had a sweet tooth, not least as a child. It was a big ask one year when Miss Smart our Sunday School teacher suggested we all gave up sweets for Lent, keeping carefully those given to us and bringing them in to her on Easter Sunday. She would send them to poor […]

Day 28

  Yuck:  What do we find unpalatable, revolting?  Here’s a poem that takes a lighthearted view: www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poem/251314 Write about the yuck factor in your life.    


  Non-conformism i. Tiny squares of bread. Ribena in small glasses. Seated communion. ii. No baptism sacrament oath creed untruth or clergy. No steeple.