
Chuntering   “Soribut I think you’ll find you’re wrong in this case …” Calmmurderer, I’d like to grind your face between two graniblox. You’ll drive me into sugarue. I’ll grundle till tenforteasque.

West Kirby baths circa 1960

West Kirby baths circa 1960 Five in a line in swimming trunks in the sun. Dad in the lead, proud of his boys, still the tallest (just). We four following in order of decreasing age and height. Trotting to the water’s edge, onto the springboard in turn, poynngg! into the air. First three gone under, […]


Another in my operation sequence. This poem describes the admission process. Admission Report to the Admissions Suite. Ignore the time on the letter, come at three o’ clock, then you won’t have to wait long for a bed. Admissions Suite sounds too much like Departure Lounge. A holiday. Sunshine. You came with me, worried sick, […]


Because of its layout I’ve tried inserting ‘Memflesh’ as a pdf file… here goes… [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]


‘Twas Brexit, and the Tory gnomes Did gambol in the eventime: All greedsy in their second homes, Povation made a crime. ‘Beware the Cameron’, they said ‘the Osborne’s stare, the Gore that stings. Beware the blondel Chubchub bird When pompily he sings.’ She took her stilstud shoe in hand Long time the fuhrerpost in sight […]

Blip, Blap, Blop

Oh bludder the blapping broadband’s on the blonk again.

Day 3

  Brillig:   The word ‘chortle’ dropped into the English language in 1871 with Lewis Carroll’s ‘Jabberwocky’. It’s probably a mix of ‘chuckle’ and ‘snort’. Write a poem (on any subject) that includes some invented words of your own.     Martin Zarrop