Read Me

Read Me  It’s not that I think I’m right It’s not that I want to present the facts It’s not that I think you are wrong It’s not that I want to change anyone. I just want you to see it how I see it and spend time with me. With this.

Surfing the net

Surfing the net Kestrel glides the air waves, to and fro, gimlet eyed. Hiker criss-crosses the mountainside, following a trail. Lizard scuttles amongst the rocks, here and there, pin- head peeping. Bee busies itself buzzing in and out, investigating the herbaceous border. Earthworm burrows about, blindly, on and on. What am I looking for..? I’ve […]

Gethsemane Caravan Park, Cheshire

  Gethsemane Caravan Park, Cheshire When you come to think of it Jesus might have liked a caravan to save him all that walking and begging beds for the night. He could’ve sat on its steps to tell stories while children played, dogs barked and adults fed logs to a fire. After the stories someone […]

Day 10

  Invitation: ‘Come into my parlour…’  There’s a lot of invitations we should resist! Remember the poor oysters: Any other examples?