Train Haiku

The Pendelino arriving at Platform One leans at ten degrees


  The Black 5 steamed through Glazebrook Station and into a frame on our wall.        


Together Stream down escalators into the depths. Jostle for position on the platform. Tense as the train thunders in. Push on board, scramble for seats. Doors slide shut, rumble into motion. Station lights left behind, rattling off at a rate of knots. Crowded into a confined space. Noses in newspapers, in books or in the […]

the bullet train – Japan

what can you do in 36 seconds standing behind a line on a platform whilst you wait for your train to arrive? convert the number of minutes per hour between Tokyo and Osaka how many seconds is that? count the zeros of ten billion people how many went but never came back the number of […]

Day 9.

  We all like trains, don’t we? Have a look at Paul Farley’s poem. Trains.         .