Futures Ocean island one metre above sea level shrinking as the sea climbs centimetre by centimetre up the sand dwindling the land beneath the feet of the islanders. Soon they will join the refugee nation.
Assisted living
build me a bungalow with en-suite commodes undergrass heating which comes on when it snows vertical grip bars on the shower and bath a resident clown a permanent laugh a gym with a trainer who isn’t that keen a diet of chocolate a body that’s lean a posse of men all scantily clad a lost […]
Stairs first step turn jump second step turn jump etcetera fifth step turn jump skid across the hall’s black and white tiles on the black rag rug sixth step turn flex your knees shuffle your feet want the arrow thrill of leaping in the air but your feet stay […]
The wind sings in the rocks. A chorus for Idris. His chair as blue as a jay’s feather and large enough to engulf a tower, or two of London. Below Tal-y-llyn is a rectangle of silver foil and the estuary at Abermawr is a diminutive snake gyrating into the Irish sea. Up here we are […]
In search of the stars
In search of the stars climb the tall tower. Step by step up the dark stairwell, eyes fixed on the glint of light filtering down from the top. Emerge at last on the dizzy heights to find the stars still way out of reach.
Climbing Windgather
Remember the first time when Charles and Di were wed a sunny day we walked that first time on this path. No pomp or TV ritual we climbed above Lyme Park the Gritstone Trail and on to Charles Head lunch devouring the valley view across to Windgather’s rock. Remember the first time? Hardly a rock […]
Day 4. Climbing
Yesterday falling, today climbing. Yes…. reach for the stars, climb a tree, mount a pavement, scale a wall. Here’s Paul Batchelor: http://www.poetryarchive.org/poem/tree-climbing Climbing.