The Wind has Blown my Mind Clean Empty

The wind has blown my mind clean empty. At first, it wasn’t like a warrior striding into town toppling all in his path. It was a mere whistle through an old crack, a draught of cold air on the back of my neck. Then it became a chorus ascending, a banshee tearing up wires and […]


  Breathless The weight of a ladybird’s foot bends the leaf away from its twig. A cow’s cloven hoof bends grass stalks. A buzzard circles the trig point without one flap of its wings the only clue to unseen forces.      

When the music stops

When the music stops I hear music infiltrating the darkness of my room. Slip out of bed, open the window. Lilting across the fields on the still night air, a cheerful sound, some celebration at the village hall or cricket club. I wake later to rattling from the open window. No longer any music and […]


Skulls and whale bones adorned the belt that curled around his enormous waist. His eyes flashed with the glint of newly sharpened knives. He strode along the beach hurling rocks. Dogs and men scattered like disturbed woodlice. A sea smoothed walnut tree was his staff. He stirred the sea with it and the sea rose. […]


No canvas sails no breeze on your face you feel the pressure of carbon dioxide moving across your body an unseen masseur wrenching at a bespoke suit. The wind is your enemy a firing squad with no blanks a poison gas that rips soil into missile clouds, bullets at Beaufort Ten. The tide is out […]

Day 7. Wind

  Oh, my word… here’s Shelley: You might be wondering, what next? Write a sonnet sequence, an ode, a poem in terza rima form? Write in the language of a pre-20th century poet? No, no. Just write a poem about Wind.