Category Archives: Old Day 25

Abdul’s Spice

The aroma of vegetable Dupazia
conjures up a bazaar with heaps
of red paprika, yellow turmeric,
black peppercorns, green chillies,
women in purple saris, people
riding in rickshaws and over
crowded buses, cows in the street,
the stench of something you’d rather
not think about, desert temples
shivering blue on the horizon but,
when I look out of misted rain
glazed windows I see the bronze
statue of Owen Glyndwr on a horse
in the middle of Corwen high street.

Day 25. Begin with an advertisement


Right. Don’t know how we’ll get on with this one. Here’s Daljit Nagra taking an advert as an epigraph:


Use an advertisement to start you off. This one for example:


Or this one:


Your starting point, an advertisement.