The day before market

It was crowded The courtyard closed in on her She struggled for breath There was no doubt she preferred the green bank where the ash tree leant over the hurrying river and the fieldfares aerobatics made the sunset even bloodier. Somehow in the fray she lost her mother. Frantic she pushed against the bodies and […]

Market forces

Market forces Booming waves, crashing undertow, the relentless sieving action of the sea. Winds blowing fair one day, foul the next. Irresistible pressures at work, conspiring over the years to set in stone (so to speak) the hierarchy so apparent on this beach. At the top: boulders, safe above high water mark. Lower down: pebbles, […]

Day 21. Market

  Here are two very different poems with market in the title. The first is by Judith Harris: and the second by Clive James: Market.