In search of the stars

climb the tall tower.
Step by step up the dark stairwell,
eyes fixed on the glint of light
filtering down from the top.
Emerge at last on the dizzy heights
to find the stars still way out of reach.

5 responses

  1. Oooh… glimmer… is that a shard word? And ‘dizzy heights’… possibly a bit cliched?

    I like the idea of climbing a tall tower to reach the stars and being disappointed at the top!

  2. think Martin is on vitamin tablets or even steroids – come on Jonathan – Martin has beaten you to it again – not getting to the top of the stairs – first posting of the day (okay I know I am behind but I am catching up) – what I am really saying is that it is great to see so many people posting and commenting – it is a lot more productive that way – super duper

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