I owe you a debt
of gratitude.
You pointed me
in the right direction,
set me off
on a journey
that has proved
most rewarding.
But your influence
is all-pervasive.
I still refer to you
at every turn.
Although I’ve travelled
a long way,
I’ve yet to escape
the Labyrinth.
Great, Jonathan. Why not just title it ‘Mentor’. It sounds like Minotaur and the labyrinth reference is enough.
I’m not sure, Martin. Would we get the Labyrinth reference without the Minotaur? And if Mentor was left out of the poem would we be left in confusion? I think I’d prefer ‘or’ to using an oblique slash… Mentor or Minotaur.
Great stuff!
I’m intrigued by your discussion, Martin and Robbie. Each suggestion has its merits, but quite honestly I still prefer the Mentor/Minotaur – the words DO sound similar and the poem is saying that in this case the person in question is BOTH.
maybe it could be “your labyrinth” in the final line to make your point