You have tubs of bits and pieces,
nails, galvanised and non-galvanised
screws, nuts and bolts, washers and copper wire.
Blue string, orange string
yellow hose and green hose,
old washing machine parts,
electrical components, door handles,
padlocks and keys that don’t fit the padlocks.

There was a time I thought
you were crazy
but when I looked
at Saturn through the
telescope that you made
out of, amongst other things,
toy car wheels, old CD cases
and meccano
I changed my mind.

3 responses

  1. The uneven line breaks are consistent with the theme. Great! There’s something mystical about bits and pieces morphing into something qualitatively new and wonderful.

  2. by the time we get to the yellow hose the poem has started to take on an energy of its own – with its own rhythm – I like the way the poem appeared general in the first stanza and then homed in on a specific “you” – gosh you have written a few “love” poems – really lovely to read because they are not soppy – are you heading for a collection?????

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