nope – it’s nothing to do with geography but more history …


men in green jumpers are easy to spot
when the summer is warm
when the flagstones are hot
with their own set of wheels they cruised down our street
giving the women an afternoon treat
practical chaps who had brought their own tools
we watched how they worked from our paddling pools
they melted the tarmac wherever they stood
bubbled the paint and started a flood
of housewives in slippers who queued for a chance
to fill up their buckets and have a quick glance
at the men in green jumpers who were easy to spot
when the summer was warm
and the flagstone got hot


3 responses

  1. hello Robbie – yes – summer of ’76 – did that not show up on your thingamejig? are we not compatible? hope it shows up in this box? we had a heatwave and ran out of water and the Army were sent in to set up standpipes at the end of the street – and I can remember that they wore their jumpers despite the tarmac melting

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