The plot thickens

“I can read you like a book!”
I’ve exclaimed, so often, on perusing
that most familiar of faces.
“Ah, yes,” would come the reply,
with a smile. “I can have no secrets.
You read my every thought.”

Mmm… I’m not so sure any more,
after what’s just come to light.
A book perhaps, but not
the straight-forward paperback
I’ve always supposed.
It’s a much weightier tome, I now realise,
probably in more than one volume,
whole sections I’ve yet to read.
Complex, containing some dark passages.
Confusing in its sub-texts, nuances.
The sort of book I find hard to grasp.

A re-reading is called for, certainly,
a careful, in-depth reappraisal.
Page by page, line by line.
Reading between the lines.


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