You must know who I mean

He was in that film, what was it called?
The something or other.
Oh it’s on the tip of my tongue.
We went to see it with that friend of yours.
Bob… or Bill something.
It was at the Odeon in town.
What do you mean, it wasn’t the Odeon.
Where was it then?
Come on, you can’t say it wasn’t the Odeon
then say you can’t remember the name of the other place.
What other places are there? I don’t know any.
Anyway, as I was saying, he was in that film called…
Bleistein with a Cigar.
There, I knew I’d get it.
Look it up on the International Movie Database.
What do you mean, it’s got to be there.
The main character was called Bleistein…
or maybe it was Burbank, yes that’s it.
Try searching for Burbank with a Baedeker.
No joy?
Well I’m positive the character was called Burbank.
Try googling him.
See, I knew I was right. Truman Burbank.
Of course, it was the Truman show.
So where did Burbank with a Baedeker come from?

4 responses

  1. I know the feeling! You’ve captured the essence of those memory searches in which you are convinced of the first letter (in this case B, I suppose).

  2. Yes. I’d say it was a sign of age, except that I’ve never been able to remember names – particularly excruciating when you have to introduce people!

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